Artificial Intelligence: VEGAP exercises its rights to "opt out"

Legislation Artificial Intelligence

The works of the authors included in the repertoire of VEGAP published on this website ( may not be reproduced or communicated to the public, in whole or in part, without the prior authorisation of the owners granted by VEGAP.

The copyright holders represented by VEGAP expressly prohibit any reproduction of their works, as well as of the data related to them, including the titles of the works and the names of the authors, when such reproduction is intended for the purpose of extracting texts and data, in particular if these purposes are intended to feed or train artificial intelligence systems designed or adapted to generate creations, such as images or audiovisual content, intended for public dissemination. This prohibition is expressed publicly for the purposes of article 67.3 of Royal Decree Law 2021/24 of 2 November and is also formulated as <TDM-RESERVATION: 1>, in accordance with the TDMRep protocol found at

Below we provide a list of all the authors represented by VEGAP:

This declaration of oppostion is supplemented by a summary in machine-readable xml format, accesible at the following address:

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